Cheers to Mr. Dhani Lovas!!! This young man is a demonstration of continued hard work and loyalty to his passion. Mr. Lovas has graduated from Lake Shore High School this year 2022 while attending IlMulino Barber School Academy, learning to be a licensed barber.
Mr. Lovas will continue his second year as a barber apprentice and then become a licensed barber with IlMulino. He has proven to show great strength through his growth in barbering skills, his mentors give definite positive feedback on Dhani.
I’m so proud of him, as life has it’s ups and downs, Dhani has tackled some obstacles and continues to grow. Keep moving towards your goals and passions Dhani!!! I already know he is on his way to success…
Thank you Dhani for doing your BEST!! I SEE YOU doing big things with that attitude of a successful young man. Get it Dhani!!