Rte. 438 and Versailles Plank Road, Cattaraugus Territory | Submitted by Marilyn Anderson
Years ago our church needed new hymnals and families purchased one in memory of family members. Some of those who were honored include:
- Mitchell, LuLu and Gerald Luke – given by Don and Ethel Bray
- Douglas Haines – given by Robert Jr. and Sheila Kenjockety

When the Methodist church was founded, the congregations were served by circuit “preachers”. They travelled the countryside bringing the message of hope and faith to families. Today, churches are once again being served by circuit “preachers” / lay leaders. Four Corners is currently served by 3 lay leaders and will soon be joined by 4-6 others. It is refreshing to hear the word presented by different speakers while we still maintain our traditions.
The State Fair is on and soon the Seneca Fall Festival will be held. Students will be returning to school and fall will be upon us. It seems like the summer flew by!! Prayers for all the students who will be returning to school or going for the first time.
Everyone is invited to join us at Four Corners for word and song on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. followed by refreshments in our fellowship hall. You will be provided with word and music to carry you through the week. Continue to pray for our communities – for those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol, for those who are battling illness, for those who are grieving and for those who are recovering from trauma. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Peace be with you.