Salamanca City Central School District
Due to several severe, life-threatening food allergies within the building, Prospect Elementary will now be peanut free. This includes the campus as a whole, including outside areas. If you pack your child’s lunch, breakfast, or send in snacks, please do not send any peanut containing food items, such as granola bars, trail mix, cookies, etc. Almond butter, sun butter, and cashew butter are safe alternatives.
Anaphylaxis (severe allergy) occurs within minutes of being exposed to an allergen. Symptoms include:
• Disseminated (all over) hives
• Facial swelling: lips, eyes, tongue
• Difficulty breathing
• Feeling like throat is closing or getting tight
• Itching
• Decreased blood pressure
• Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
If anaphylaxis is not treated it will lead to shock and death. The only treatment is the injection of epinephrine (Epi-pen). Thank you for your time and co-operation in helping us keep all of our littlest warriors safe. Please contact the school nurse with any questions at 716-945-2400 x6203 or