(167 words) Level two
This course is meant to help parents and family members as well as community members use more Seneca with their children and everyday life. This course consists of words used at the Faithkeeper School along with everyday language that can be used at home. Terms include: (Getting Dressed, Health, Weather, Arts and Crafts, Meal time,Bus Safety, Ganöhsesgeh, Everyday Verbs)
Faithkeeper School Parents course link:
From Agwadeyësta’ Do:gë:h:
Satgöhsowa:eh | Wash your face.
Sahno’jowae:h | Brush your teeth
Ëgahno’jowae’ | I will brush my teeth
Gadögweta’/ Sadögweta’? | I feel well/Do you feel well?
De’gadögwe:ta’/ De’sadögwe:ta’? | I /You don’t feel well?
Asdeh heyëhdahgwa’ ëgajä’dak/ ësajä’dak | I /You will use the bathroom
Ëgáhjowae’/ Ësáhjowae’ | I / You will wash your hands
Onówä’shä‘ | Soap