Help us celebrate Deneen Hernandez (Seneca Nation), our 2022 Professional of the Year! Deneen worked as a forensic scientist and cryptanalyst for the FBI (recently retired). #NativesinSTEM
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A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.
Greetings, At this writing, our first big snow has melted and all that is left is soggy green grass and mud. Once again, the birds even look confused. I’ve heard conflicting comments about us having a mild winter this year. Some say we are in for a harsh winter, others have said we should have […]
Turkey Trot at ACC and CCC!
The Cattaraugus Community Center and Allegany Community Center held their annual Turkey Trot Run/Walk last month. Participants that donated a non-perishable food item were entered into a raffle of turkeys and pies and two $100 gift cards donated by the Cousin Brownie organization. All the donated food items will be gifted to the Seneca Nation […]
Ja:göh Alyssa Perkins
SCCSD November Business/Marketing Student of the Month November 12, 2022 | Reposted from SCCSD Facebook Page (Salamanca City Central School District) Alyssa Perkins has been selected as the November Business/Marketing Student of the Month. She has taken numerous business/marketing classes which include: ECC GS 111 College Success Skills, Computer Applications Software 2, JCC CAS 1560 […]