The Seneca Nation is currently accepting letters of interest from those interested in serving on:
(This is a non-paid voluntary committee)
On January 4, 2023, an Executive Order was issued to establish a Constitutional Amendment Working Group. The purpose of the Constitutional Amendment Working Group is to engage in working sessions, which will be open to the Seneca public, to assess the need for the development of proposals and processes for potential amendments to the Nation Constitution.
- NOTE: The Constitutional Amendment Working Group shall serve in an advisory capacity and is not intended to be “the committee of three for revision of the Constitution” described in SECTION XVI of the Nation Constitution.
Qualifications: Enrolled Seneca Nation
If interested, please submit your letter of interest no later than 4:30 p.m. on February 10, 2023.
Please mail or deliver to:
Seneca Nation of Indians Clerk’s Office
Attention: Bethany Johnson, Clerk
90 Ohi:yo’ Way
Allegany Territory
Salamanca 14779