Iroquois Genealogy Society
Submitted by Leatha Jimerson
Happy New Year!
The Iroquois Genealogy Society had a busy year and the time has flown by again! Below is a recap of our year:
Family Presentations: Kennedy Family (Teresa VanAernam), Red Jacket Descendents (Jack Ericson), Fillmore Jackson (Leatha Jimerson), Heron/Redeye/Lay/Tallchief Family (Tyler and Gloria Heron).
Resource Information: SNI Archives (Arthur Hill), Chief Big Kettle (Kevin Hatton), Family Search Website (William Murray, Mormon Church representative).
Outreach: Information table at Veteran’s Powwow and SNI Fall Festival.
A presentation by Arthur Hill regarding the Seneca Annuity Census for 1955 & 1960. The source being the National Archives, BIA, in Washington DC.
Several IGS members visited the Tonawanda Historical Society. They requested a presentation about our group and everyone had a good visit. There are many connections our families have with Tonawanda.
A dinner was held celebrating Jack Ericson, our in-house research specialist and one of the main reasons we exist today. Jack has been the person who has pushed us and shared with us his immense knowledge of the history of our families. His family history collection which was housed at SUNY Fredonia, is now located at the SNI Archives. We will be forever indebted to Jack.
Our road trip in 2022 took us to several sites. Jare Cardinal hosted the event which focused on the historic Seneca Village and Territory at Caneadea along the Genesee River, Copperhead’s burial site, Wiscoy Falls and the Council House grounds at Letchworth State Park. Many thanks to Jare for taking the time to teach us. She is a wealth of information for us.
The year ended with a lunch at the Seneca Allegany Casino which is always a good time together with our genealogy friends.
Our presentations, events etc, could not be possible without the dedication and hard work of people who prepare for the gatherings and the people who attend. We appreciate you all!
The Iroquois Genealogy Society is coming into our 8th year! It’s hard to believe! We feel it’s very important to learn about your family history by creating a family tree, researching your relatives and finding new ones through records available on our website and attending our monthly meetings. Our families’ accomplishments, hardships and love can bring a feeling of pride, belonging and appreciation for them. Never forget your ancestors!
Please check out our website: There are many resources available on the website such as census records, church and school lists etc.
Our first meeting for 2023 will be held Thursday, March 9th at the Cattaraugus Community Center (CCC), MPR. Details for the coming year will be shared soon. Anyone interested and willing to present their family history, please contact one of the officers. We would be so happy to hear your story!
Please be safe and start creating your family tree!
~ Iroquois Genealogy Society (President Teresa VanAernam, VP Arthur Hill, Secretary Marilyn Anderson, Treasurer Leatha Jimerson)