Rte. 438 and Versailles Plank Road, Cattaraugus Territory | PO Box 182, Versailles, NY 14081
Submitted by Marilyn Anderson
From Deuteronomy 4:9 “…watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” During May we celebrate two holidays filled with memories – Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. At Four Corners we remember the mothers who provided us with guidance, love and were an influence on the growth of the church: Delphina Mt Pleasant, Mamie Williams, Mrs. Windsor Pierce, Frances Jemison, Eleanor Lavis, Lois Jimerson, Girlie John, Ruth Abrams, Lena Pierce, Lori Nephew, Alicia Jemison and Peggy Bray. On Memorial Day we will honor the many men and women from our territories that have served – and are currently serving – in the U.S. military. We must not forget our honored ancestors and we must tell our families about them and the importance that they have had in our lives and our community.
The Seneca Hymn Singers meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7pm in our fellowship hall. The Singers are always looking for new members to join them – so please stop in and find out the joy that they have as they sing our favorite hymns in Seneca. For more information feel free to contact Beeda Parker at 716-532-2478.
We ask everyone to pray for our communities – for those struggling with illness, for those struggling with addictions, for those struggling with domestic abuse and for those who are without faith. Pray for wisdom for our Nation leaders and for the leaders of countries throughout the world.
On May 28th we will be celebrating Pentecost at the Hamburg UMC; therefore, we will not be having service at Four Corners on that Sunday. Other than that day, we have our weekly Sunday service at 9am. Please join us and your week will be enriched by the words and songs that you will hear. Peace.