By L. Eagle John
The SNI Cattaraugus Department of Education celebrated the start of a new school year for our Pre K and K-12 tri-district students and family members at the annual Back To School Bash on Tuesday, September 21st at the Cattaraugus Community Center. In an effort to keep our students & families safe, the fun activities were scheduled outdoors, masks were required while indoors and hand sanitizers were available.
Despite the light rain the students still continued to enjoy the various stations which included a climbing wall and trampoline, a game corner with corn hole & four square games and a lacrosse skills competition for various age levels with prizes awarded. A photo booth sponsored by the Seneca Media Department with a large colorful balloon arch & backdrop provided by Two Sisters Balloons was also on site to capture those unique student & family portraits. Other culture activities included a long ball game and a sweet grass braiding demo with the staff from the Gakwi:yo:h Farms which was very popular with all ages. Music & announcements were provided by Rez Road Sound and free fresh made CJ’s kettle corn was available to all. Numerous large door prizes & gift cards donated by the Education Department were awarded at the end of the evening. Complimentary Chiavetta’s chicken take out dinner was also available for all that attended. We were very fortunate to be able to sponsor this event and it was very rewarding to see and engage with the students and families once again.
The Department would like to thank the CCC for helping host this event and special gratitude goes out to Brian Stevens & Frank Ireland for their volunteer efforts, Nya:wëh!
In closing we encourage all our students to continue to work hard and have a successful 2021-2022 school year. The Education Department is here to provide support so if you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to call 532-3341. We hope to see you at our next event!
Beginning Yoga and Health Coaching for Adults (16+)
Submitted by Barbara Weston
See flyer below for details: