Congrats to Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjóhgwa’ Immersion Program New Graduates! Ja:goh! Ja:goh to the Seneca Language Immersion Graduates! Teaching & learning our language is vital to preserving and protecting our culture and traditions. Shout out to: Derise Jagodawë:h Waterman Sherrise Gaeyë’jöh John Alexander Deyo ‘ha śe ‘ Jimerson Nya:wëh Tuscarora Woodworks for the beautiful boxes gifted to […]
On September 20th, the Cattaraugus Education Department held their Back to School Bash at the CCC. There were many fun activities such as a photo booth, craft activity table, inflatables, games, a family hayride and so much more. It was great to see all the students smiling faces and excitement about the new school year! […]