
Planning Department Receives Recreation for Rural Communities Assistance Program

The Community Planning and Development Department was the recipient of a Technical Assistance Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) titled “Recreation for Rural Communities (RERC)”. The planning assistance program helps communities identify strategies to grow their outdoor recreation economy and revitalize their Main Streets.

In partnership with the Seneca Nation Tribal Council, VEMO and GIS Departments, the Salamanca Chamber of Commerce, City of Salamanca, Southern Tier West, and other business entities, they formed a steering committee in November of 2022 to begin to coordinate efforts to bring this project to Salamanca.

The group came together on March 8 & 9th at the historic Ray Evans Theater on Main Street. There, they hosted the technical support committee along with various local business owners and community members for a 2-day workshop to discuss updating plans for the revitalization of Main Street. Participants from the Akwesasne Travel & Tourism, Appalachian Regional Commission – NYS Department of State, US Small Business Administration, Cattaraugus County Department of Economic Development, Planning and Tourism, Salamanca Planning Commission and City Council, US Forest Service (USFS), National Park Service (NPS), US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Economic Development Administration (EDA), and the US Fish and Wildlife Service were some of the many partners in attendance.

The first day with the visiting officials started off with a traditional opening by Blaine Tallchief. They were given a tour of the Highbanks Campground, Seneca Allegany Administration Building, Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center, Main Street, 44 Seneca Street, and other brownfield areas around the city. That evening and into day two was open to the public to see how other RERC Communities have succeeded, and to begin to work together to solve some of the projects that were identified here.

We would like to thank the following for their contribution over the 2-day event:

Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center Staff, Justin Reiller at Highbanks Campground, T-bird– our faithful bus driver, Mark Powless– SNI EPD, Harvest Moon and Flip White for lunch on both days, SNI Planning staff for rallying, and all those who were in attendance.

If you would like to be included in the follow up, please contact Courtney John-Jemison, Community Planner, at 716-532-4900 ext. 5093.