
What’s Happening? — Department Flyers

Below you’ll find: Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center reopening Seneca Nation Veterans Department winter clothing and blanket drive Steamburg Community Center holiday BINGO Steamburg Community Center Christmas stocking drive-thru Steamburg Community Center Christmas stocking registration Native Connections book club – November Bringing high speed Internet to Cattaraugus Territory


Request for Proposal: On-Call Transit Planning, Engineering, Architecture, Consulting, and Associated Professional Services

The Seneca Department of Transportation’s (SNDOT) Seneca Transit System (STS) is seeking professional on-call transit planning for fixed route, route deviation transit, realtime information system technology, engineering and architecture, and associated professional services to support a variety of STS’s needs for upcoming projects. STS will evaluate responding firms to create an on-call list for transit […]


Social Security Announcement from Disabilities Services

Submitted by Leanna Leroy, SN Disabilities Services Are you receiving Social Security and or Disability from the Social Security Administration?Are you between 18-59 years Old?Are you currently living ON Territory? Then you are qualified for Seneca Nation Disability Services Program. Please call our office to set up an appointment. We can also do a home […]


How Can Vocational Rehabilitation Help You?

Submitted by Toonie Pierce, TERC The Seneca Nation Vocational Rehabilitation Program provides culturally appropriate services that will empower individuals with disabilities to achieve maximum employability, economic independence and integration in the work place and community. If you are enrolled member of a federally or state recognized tribe, reside on Seneca territory or are within a […]


Video chat Seneca Language Lessons via Skype (Allegany)

Submitted by Ja:no’s Bowen Novice Mid – High Level Conversational Seneca class Fridays at 10 AM via Skype.Study is mandatory! This class requires completion of the course materials covered in the Novice Low/Very Beginner Conversational Seneca Class on Mondays (or the equivalent). You must take a small speaking assessment to participate in this class.For more […]

COVID-19 Departments

Important Message Regarding Bluestone COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Results

The following is an important message from the Seneca Nation Health System regarding Bluestone COVID-19 diagnostic test results. For testing participants: your results will be posted within the Bluestone phone app as soon as they are available (typically within 24-48 hours of sample collection, except for Saturday testing events). If you are unable to retrieve […]