Departments Elders

Area Office of Aging Activities

Submitted by Karen Bucktooth, AOA Activities Coordinator There are a lot of different rules due to COVID-19 on our territories that must be followed in order for the elders to stay healthy and safe. Our sites are closed to the public but our services still go on; such as snow plowing, emergency home repair, home […]

COVID-19 Departments Elders

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

Seneca Nation Health System Begins Phased COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution to Frontline Healthcare Employees and High Risk Elders The Seneca Nation Health System (SNHS) announced an employee vaccination clinic for Lionel R John Health Center (LRJHC) staff in priority and front-line departments who have direct patient contact in a patient care setting; including Optical, Dental, Pharmacy […]

Departments Elders

Area Office of Aging Activities

Submitted by Karen Bucktooth, AOA Activities Coordinator There are a lot of different rules due to COVID-19 on our territories that must be followed in order for the elders to stay healthy and safe. Our sites are closed to the public but our services still go on; such as snow plowing, emergency home repair, home […]

Departments Elders

SN Advocate Notice: HEAP

The Seneca Nation Advocate Program started accepting applications for the Regular Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) benefit effective November 5, 2020. This benefit will run until March 2021 or if the funding runs out, whichever comes first. Also effective November 5th, The Advocate Program is accepting applications for the LIHEAP Furnace replace/repair program. […]