Feature President

A message from President Matthew B. Pagels

Nya:wëh sgë:nö’, Happy Holidays! I’m thankful you are well hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our community is very family oriented and my hope is that we keep the spike in illness to a minimum. Let’s all do our part and stay home as much as possible. The surrounding counties are near to closing […]

COVID-19 Feature

COVID-19 Upcoming Testing & Precautions Notice: UPDATED Testing locations

COVID-19 is spreading rapidly in the region and there are an increasing number of positive cases on territory.  Regarding the upcoming community COVID testing drive thrus:  You MUST pre-register by going to https://www.bluestonesafe.com/welcome Use client code SenecaGov and user ID 3030. You will need an email address to sign up. Limited staff will be available to […]

COVID-19 Feature

Presidential Update – 12/7/20

President Pagels gives an update on upcoming COVID-19 testing, as well as training for those interested in helping with testing efforts. He stresses the importance of everyone doing their part to stop the spread as Seneca EMS and local hospitals are all being stretched to their capacity due to the pandemic. See video message below:

COVID-19 Feature

Presidential Update – 12-03-20

President Pagels speaks on the results of COVID testing in the community, important precautions to stop the spread, upcoming support sessions from the Education Department for parents of students, and the 172nd birthday of the Seneca Nation of Indians government. See video message below:


Gakwi:yo:h Farms adds more bison to herd in Ohi:yo’

Photos by Seneca Media EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, OUR HERD OF AMERICAN BISON WILL NOW BE LOCATED AT SENECA TERRITORY PROPERTY SITUATED IN SUNFISH FLATS, ALLEGANY TERRITORY. We would like all community members, hunters and outdoor enthusiasts to know that the bison, although often docile, can be very dangerous animals, when approached by humans. We ask that […]


Canvass Day 2020 – William Seneca Building

Photos by Seneca Media On November 10, 2020, the newly elected officials of the Seneca Nation were sworn into office. Due to COVID-19, a smaller ceremony than usual was held with a livestream provided for Seneca members. A drive-thru Chiavetta’s luncheon was held afterwards at the CCC. President Pagels offered this message on behalf of […]

Feature President

A message from President Matthew B. Pagels

Nya:wëh Sgë:nö’, I’m thankful for our Communities everyday particularly as colder weather is approaching. Unfortunately we have already experienced a significant windstorm which knocked out large sections of both Allegany and Cattaraugus electricity on Sunday, November 15. It was necessary to open up our emergency facilities for families to seek shelter from the elements. It […]

COVID-19 Feature

Presidential Update (11-25-2020)

President Pagels speaks on the Seneca Nation’s ongoing drive-through COVID-19 testing and the importance precautions coming into the holiday season. He also encourages families of students to help them stay on track with remote learning. See video message below:

COVID-19 Feature

Seneca Nation COVID-19 Cumulative Diagnostic Test Results

Stephanie Crowley – Outlook Web App The COVID-19 data published below shows the cumulative diagnostic testing results of the Seneca Nation Health System, along with results from Bluestone testing on November 7, 2020 at the Cattaraugus Community Center. Please be aware the Seneca Nation Health System is only reporting on diagnostic tests (confirming active infection) […]