(9/11/37 – 1/16/21) Submitted by Rosy Simas Laura Waterman Wittstock entered the spirit world on the morning of January 16, 2021. She is fondly remembered by her family as a great mother and remembered by her grandchildren as “the world’s greatest grandmother.” To others, she was a friend, confidant, and mentor. Elaine Salinas, one of […]
January 29 2021 Issue
UB to offer Indigenous health disparities course this spring
Ja:goh Dean Seneca, CEO & Founder of Seneca Scientific Solutions+ who designed the course curriculum By David J. Hill | January 15, 2021 | Reprinted from buffalo.edu BUFFALO, N.Y. — As the University at Buffalo seeks to expand its commitment to Indigenous studies, a new course being offered this spring in the School of Public […]
Intuitive Eating- 10 Principals
Intuitive Eating is a compassionate, self-care eating framework that treats all bodies with dignity and respect. This anti-diet approach can help you make peace with food and rediscover the pleasures of eating. Below are 10 principals of Intuitive Eating that are meant to be a framework, to guide you on your journey to becoming an […]
Seneca Nation to State Board of Regents: Take a Stand Against Cultural Appropriation, Educate New York Students About Native History
New York Includes Native American Education in State Standards, Doesn’t Require It In K-12 Instruction Or Provide Designated Funding Allegany/Cattaraugus Territories, NY – Recognizing that education is the best tool to combat entrenched racism and change long-standing misunderstandings and prejudices regarding Indigenous populations, the Seneca Nation Council is calling on the state Board of Regents […]
Seneca Nation Climate Change Survey
Submitted by the Climate Change Task Force What is climate change? Climate has always changed over the ages of Mother Earth but during our time it’s noticeably different. The way we go about our daily lives is causing this change. Not only are we experiencing a rise in global temperature but it’s increasing at a […]
Follow Seneca Media on Instagram!
Seneca Media & Communications now has an official Instagram page. Follow them at @seneca_nation for regular updates! Head over to our new Instagram page: @seneca_nation and win some awesome free stuff. We will be doing these promotional giveaways over the next few months as an incentive for all of you to come check out and […]
Seneca Holdings Update
Seneca Holdings was established in 2009 with the goal of creating a non-gaming organization that could provide a meaningful revenue source for the Seneca Nation over the long term. The charter for Seneca Holdings recognizes that “the diversification and expansion of the Nation’s business interests is vital to the economic well-being and long-term growth and […]
Allegany Education Department Update
Submitted by Nancy Williams, Director of Allegany Education Dept. Tutoring Staff & Services The Seneca Allegany Education Department would like to welcome our three new tutors: • Sarah Jimerson• Kimberly McAuley• Chad “STX” Whitcomb Please see their bios for more information on where they will be and their contact information. Tutoring will continue at the […]
The Seneca Nation is Building Food Sovereignty, One Bison at a Time
By Gabriel Pietrorazio | January 14, 2021 | Reprinted from civileats.com | Photo credit: Seneca Media & Communications For Michael Snyder, it was canceling the Gakwi:yo:h Farm’s annual Maple Weekend that drove home how serious the pandemic would hit the Seneca Nation. Snyder, the director of the agriculture department for the Seneca Nation, has overseen […]
T.E.R.C. Workshops
Check out the upcoming T.E.R.C. workshops for February 2021. Flyers posted below: