
Lake Shore Elementary Youth Summit at ECLC and Hatchery

The Seneca Nation Education Department hosted an Elementary Youth Summit at the ECLC. It was an educational and fun-filled day. Students participated in Behavioral Health classes, that helped them better understand what forms bullying can take, and how to address them. The students had a real treat, as we walked to the fish hatchery, where […]

Feature President

A message from President Matthew B. Pagels

Hello everyone. Gagwe:göh sgënö’. Reflecting on Indigenous Peoples Day, we appreciate the invaluable contributions our ancestors and current leaders make to protect our sovereign rights by safeguarding our land, language and cultural traditions. Our local school districts recognize this day as Indigenous Peoples day, but New York State does not. There may be movement in […]


From The Desk of The Treasurer

Greetings, I’m sure hoping we will get a little warm snap and enjoy a few days of “Second Summer” before the snow really starts flying! If you haven’t been busy with all the fall activities so far – no worries; there are plenty more events happening in our communities in the coming weeks. The President’s […]


News from the Clerk’s Office

NOTICE Please be advised that the Council has approved to allow mail-in registrations for the remainder of this calendar year, this pertains to members who are current with their registrations.Please be advised, beginning January 1, 2023: Every enrolled member must appear in person unless you appeared in person in 2022, to fulfill your annual registration […]


Department Flyers

What’s happening around the territories? Posted in this issue you’ll find upcoming events, educational opportunities, happenings at the CCC, and much more! Cattaraugus Territory Large Item Drop-Off TERC YES – After School Employment Winter Art Market CCC Ball Hockey League Gasdo:wa’ Making Class Holiday Bazaar Fundraiser Holiday Loan Special – SNI Federal Credit Union



2022 and 2023 CONSOLIDATED SECTION 5311 APPLICATION PROGRAM APPALACHIAN DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAMSENECA NATION OF INDIANSSENECA TRANSIT SYSTEM Public notice is hereby made that the Seneca Nation of Indians is applying for federal financial assistance to provide public transportation service, known as the Seneca Transit System, as follows: The Seneca Transit System intends to […]


SALC Students Pay it Forward Coloring Christmas Tree Tags

SALC students colored boy/girl tree tags for each of the children who made a wish for a gift this Christmas season from Tim Jackson, Managing Member at Envision Properties, LLC. Tim helps with the Pay It Forward Christmas Trees that all around the community in December. “Seneca Arts and Learning Center (SALC) was honored to […]


Breast Cancer Awareness Walk on Both Territories

SNI HR hosted the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K walk/run” on Cattaraugus & Allegany Territories. Door prizes and a “Best Dressed” prize were given. The participants were treated to a light luncheon upon finishing the walk/run. Cattaraugus: door prize winners – Gail Kennedy & Lorelei Waterman. Allegany: door prize winners – Dennis Marrietta, Tina […]


Catt. Library Halloween Craft Classes

Everyone had such a great time making these Halloween Wreaths. Stop out and join us for Kids Movie Day @ the Catt. Library! Saturday, November 5th at 10 a.m. We will be showing the movie “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.” Popcorn, drinks & snacks provided! Call 716.532.9449 for more info.