SALAMANCA — The Jimersontown Presbyterian Church will host its 61st annual Indian Foods Dinner on Saturday, Oct. 22 at the Seneca Allegany Administration Building, 90 Ohi:yo’ Way.
Dinner will be take-out only with pick-up hours between noon and 2:30 p.m. Cost is $15.
The menu includes roast turkey, roast venison, fry bread, boiled corn bread, fried salt pork, hulled corn soup, mashed beans, buttered squash, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, brine pickles, pumpkin pie and beverages.
With the coronavirus still present, organizers said they want to keep the public and themselves healthy but didn’t want to deprive anyone of the delicious traditional foods dinner.
To pre-order a dinner, contact Marilyn George at (716) 474-6387 or; Gloria Heron at (716) 307-6672 or; or Sue Blacksnake at (716) 801-1540 or