
Public Notice: Cattaraugus Water System Improvements

The Seneca Nation has undertaken a project to replace and expand the majority of the watermains within the Cattaraugus Territory Water System. The project includes extending new watermains to un-served areas, such as Gordon Garrow Rd, who have poor quality drinking water wells.

The Gordon Garrow phase (coming first) will construct a watermain loop from the end of the Buffalo Road watermain to the Burning Springs watermains. This loop will improve water quality and provide a redundant watermain to the majority of the Cattaraugus water system in case of water emergencies.

In addition, recent studies indicate that 70% of the water purchased from Erie County Water Authority is lost through leakage and deterioration of the old watermains.

This project, currently estimated at 25 million dollars is jointly funded by the Seneca Nation and grants from the Indian Health Service. Design is scheduled to commence immediately with construction starting as soon as possible. It is estimated that the project will be completed within 4 years.

Please contact Joel Merrill, PE, Health Engineer at (716) 945-5894 for additional information.