Lake Shore Central Schools (Evans-Brant CSD) Annual Budget Vote, Vehicle Purchase Referendum & Board Election
Submitted by Kristine DeMartino, LSCS and Sharon Francis
Reminder: We have a territory member running for the Lake Shore school board and voting takes place May 16th. Elect Justin Nephew!
When: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 – 9am to 9pm
Where: Lake Shore High School – Lobby outside the District Office

New York State Education Law § 2012 sets forth the qualifications of voters at school district meetings. To be a qualified voter in the Lake Shore Central School District Annual Meeting, Budget Vote and Election, an individual who resides on the Seneca Nation of Indians territory must meet the following qualifications:
- Eighteen years of age or older;
- Born in the United States to a member of an Indian tribe, or having been naturalized or otherwise acquired citizenship;
- Resided on the Seneca Nation of Indians territory for a period of thirty days prior to the election;
- NOT be the parent or guardian of Native American children who are being educated in the Gowanda Central School District or the Silver Creek Central School District*; and *The parents or guardians of Native American children of such reservation/territory who are being educated in the Gowanda CSD or the Silver Creek CSD are eligible to vote only in the district where their children are being educated.
- NOT be otherwise prohibited from voting pursuant to Election Law Section 5-106. (See N.Y. Education Law § 2012.)
PLEASE NOTE – Individuals who have not registered to vote in Erie County and who have not previously voted in a school district election will be asked to show proof of residency (e.g., driver’s license, non-driver identification card, utility bill, or voter registration card). Visit HERE for more information.