Well, we made it to the end of May without any more snow! Let’s see what June brings us, besides mosquitoes. I’m hoping for many sunny days ahead, so I can do more yard work and work on my tan. Graduation parties will be in full swing soon and school will be out before we know it.
The Nation recently held community meetings at the Cattaraugus Community Center and the Allegany Community Center for our members to provide their input and ask questions about the drafted “Seneca Elder Protection Code”. The purpose of the Code is to establish Seneca Nation law that protects elders within the jurisdiction of the Seneca Nation from abuse, exploitation, self-neglect, and neglect as defined in the Code. The Code shall be liberally construed and interpreted to achieve its purpose and to comport with the customs and traditions of the Seneca Nation. The Code provides for:
A. Identification and appropriate resolution of abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation cases;
B. Reporting abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation to the proper agency;
C. Receiving reports and investigating suspected abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation; and
D. Delivering Seneca elder protection services
Comment period for this Code is open until May 31st and comments may be delivered to one of our Clerk’s Offices. As the month of June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month, we are hopeful this document will be presented for approval at the June 2023 Council Meeting.
One of our Nation’s treasures, Carson Waterman, is having a career-spanning retrospective show opening at the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum in Salamanca, New York on Saturday, May 27th, 2023. This show will be a celebration of Carson’s life, work, and the profound impact he has had on the identity and visual culture of the Onöndowa’ga:’, which spans several decades. On display, will be some of Carson’s early works from when he attended the Cooper School of Art in Cleveland, Ohio; and some of his harrowing sketches from his tour in Vietnam, where he served as a combat artist. In addition, this show will feature his boldly reimagined design of the iconic Buffalo Sabres logo which was commissioned in 2021, and much more. Coinciding with the opening of the retrospective show of Carson Waterman’s artwork, at 1:00pm, the museum will be hosting a dedication ceremony for the longhouse replica – located in the rear of the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center. For more information on these events, please visit or find them on Facebook: Seneca-Iroquois National Museum. Carson’s exhibition will open to the public on Saturday, May 27th, 2023, at 10:00am and his works will be on display until April of 2024.
Our annual Memorial Day Ceremony will be held on Monday, May 29th, 2023, at 11:00am, at the Seneca Allegany Administration Building on the Allegany Territory. The ceremony will begin with the Bells of Peace by the Iroquois Post Auxiliary and include a wreath laying ceremony, honor guard salute and remarks from a few distinguished veterans. Master of Ceremonies will be Ron Cook, Jr., retired Army Veteran. For more information, please call my office at (716) 945-1790.
Enjoy the sunshine and be safe in all of your outdoor activities!
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.
Memorial Day Commemoration