The regulations recently approved by the New York State Board of Regents and our history of co-existence with Salamanca gave us much to consider.
Respect for Native people and our history should always be the expectation, not the exception – in the classroom, on the athletic field, and in society. While the regulations provide an avenue for agreements between Districts and Native Nations, it is our belief that any such agreements should be rare, limited, and used only in unique circumstances. We believe that Salamanca represents the most unique of circumstances and, because of that, warranted further consideration.
Salamanca exists on Ohi:yo’ – our Allegany Territory. Today, nearly 40% of the District’s students are Native, along with many teachers. Over the last several years, the relationship between our Nation and the District has produced greater dialogue and interaction, and an overall more collaborative and consultative relationship, which, in turn, has created a more positive environment for all Salamanca students.
After lengthy internal discussion and feedback from Seneca community members, we have provided our support to the District’s request to continue using the Warriors nickname and logo. While the Nation reserves our ability to revoke this support at any time, in accordance with the Board of Regents regulations, it is our hope that the District will continue to cultivate a culture with which our students can identify, where they feel respected, and where they can excel as students and as individuals.
From SCCSD Superintendent Beehler: