Op-Ed by Christine Diindiisi McCleave (Turtle Mountain Ojibwe), CEO December 1, 2020 – Imagine rarely, if ever, hearing the words “I love you” during your entire childhood. As unbelievable as this may seem, this was the experience of so many Native Americans who were forced to attend Indian boarding schools where many were routinely abused, […]
Community News
In celebration of Native American Heritage Awareness Month, Roswell Park proudly raised the Haudenosaunee flag
Reprinted from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Facebook Page November 13, 2020 – Today, in celebration of Native American Heritage Awareness Month, Roswell Park proudly raised the Haudenosaunee flag. We thank State Sen. Timothy Kennedy for joining us to celebrate this powerful and positive heritage. As the New York State proclamation he presented today reminds […]
How does Agwadeyësta’ Do:gë:h support Language revitalization?
By Donald “Flip” White Nya:wëh sgënö swagwegoh, A question that we encounter from time to time, “How does Agwadeyësta’ Do:gë:h support Language revitalization? Agwadeyësta’ Do:gë:h’s mission statement says, “to collaborate with and connect current Seneca language programs, align organizational partnerships, advocate effective language learning processes and stabilize learning environments to achieve a sustainable, seamless 20 […]
FRONT-ROW SEAT: Victor artist part of new Native-owned gallery’s first show
Seneca artist Pete Jemison will be featured in the opening exhibition at Buffalo’s new commercial art gallery, K Art, owned by Seneca entrepreneur and art collector Dave Kimelberg By L. David Wheeler (dwheeler@messengerpostmedia.com) | Canandaigua Daily Messenger | Reprinted from https://www.mpnnow.com | November 25, 2020 Photo above: G. Peter Jemison, who has some of his […]
Check out the awesome work of Dallin Maybee, featured on Native American Artists, Musicians and Writers
Repost from Native American Artists, Musicians and Writers Facebook Page | November 20 The Arapaho/Seneca artist Dallin Maybee was raised on the Cattaraugus Indian Reservation in Western New York, home of the Seneca Nation of Indians. He comes from a long line of well-known beadworkers including Bob Spoonhunter, Agnes Logan, and Rebecca Maldonado as well […]
Native Dance Now: Body and Spirit
Tony Duncan, Rosy Simas, and Qacung Yufrican By Lulani Arquette | Dance/USA Fellowships to Artists | Dec 1, 2020 Editor’s Note: A more accessible version of this article for low-vision readers can be found on Dance/USA’s From the Green Room. This article is one of 11 in a series examining the creative work of 31 […]
Nya:wëh Sgë:nö’ To All Seneca Community Members
Submitted by Lafayette Williams We at New York Connects would like to let you know that we are still operating during this pandemic of the COVID-19. We can help you with your long-term services and supports and needs for people of all ages, any disability, and caregivers. New York Connects can help you apply for […]
SCC Christmas Coloring Contest
Steamburg Community Center Due Date is December 11th, 2020. Refer to the coloring page for more information and to obtain the entry form. See below:
Nearly New Boutique invites artists to sell in-store, holiday merchandise deals
Submitted by Donald “Flip” White Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ swagwe:goh, Agwadeyësta’ Do:gë:h (We learn together), would like to extend an invitation to everyone to attend our monthly meetings; they are open to the public. Our next regularly scheduled meeting is 12/20/20 from 10 am to 12 noon at the Ganöhsesge:kha He:nödeyë:stha Annex. For your reference, our monthly […]
NYS Proclamation to Roswell Park Center for Indigenous Cancer Research, flag raising, and Native American Heritage Month
Submitted by Dr. Rodney Haring Due to the pandemic—a small gathering/ ceremony honoring Native American Heritage Month was held on the Roswell Park campus. Dr. Johnson (CEO, Roswell), State Senator Timothy Kennedy, Iroquois Post Vet—Rodney Keyes, Sr., Dr. Rodney Haring and a few team members were in attendance. Of historic note, was the raising of […]